Meet Our Family

Our wedding Sept 2020 at Saylorville Lake in Iowa. Planned in one day. Notice the boot on my leg because of my broken ankle.

We are a blended family that came together in the summer of 2018. When I met my husband, I knew pretty quickly that he would be my husband (or at least I hoped), but the logistics of a long-distance relationship and the stress of a custody battle made us take a short break to re evaluate. It didn’t take long to realize that yes, we were meant to be together and time hasn’t slowed down since.

We have had an extremely wild ride since meeting. We moved into together two hours away from where I was living a year later, bought a dog and some rabbits. Then 4 months later we decided to buy a house back where I had been living. We bought another puppy to make life smoother ;) We had our son April 2020 and he proposed the next day. We added chickens that summer, planned a wedding, had all the plans ruined last minute, and were married in September 2020. We added our last baby in June of 2021. Our life is even more complicated by the fact that we don’t live very near to our families. My family lives nine hours away in the great state of Wisconsin and his family is two hours away, so spare time is a hot commodity. When we do have spare time our hobbies include volleyball, fishing, exploring, gardening, baking, photography, and trampoline parks.

Our Children

“If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money” - Abigail Van Buren

  • Iyla, 13

  • Stella, 10

  • Malcolm, 7

  • Decker, 2

  • June, 19 months

Do life on your own timeline

Both my husband and I were not married for the first time until 33 years old. We have no regrets. Live life how you choose without societal pressure.